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Laffan Shale Formation
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Laffan Shale Fm base reconstruction

Laffan Shale Fm


Age Interval: 


Type Locality and Naming

Originally described from the interval 610 to 631 m (2002 and 2072 ft) in Q.P.C. Well Dukhan No. 25. The type section is here selected as Well Dukhan No. 55 lat. 25°24’0” N, long. 50°45’46” E. elevation 7 m (23 ft), completed 17.8.1956, between drilled depths 584 and 613 m (1916 and 2011 ft). The formation takes its name from Ras Laffan, on the north-east coast of Qatar. W. Sugden, 1953 (unpublished report)

Synonym: “Laffan Formation”, Dominguez, 1965. “Middle Shale”, Hajash, 1967. “Laffan Shale”, Fox and Brown, 1968.

Reference Section:

Lithology and Thickness

Shale, olive-green. Its thickness is 29 m (95 ft).

Lithology Pattern: 

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

Mishrif Fm, contact unconformable. Shales of the Laffan overlie chalky, fossiliferous limestones of the Mishrif. On the Dukhan structure, crestal cut-out of beds of the Mishrif beneath the contact can be demonstrated. The chronological list of current rock units indicates the next older unit as Wasia Gr

Upper contact

The Da’asah Member of the Halul Fm overlies the Laffan with apparent conformity. The contact, of shales with argillaceous lime mudstones, is sharp.

Regional extent

Found in deep wells throughout onshore and offshore Qatar and much of Abu Dhabi. Also known from Bahrain and parts of Iraq.




The Laffan of the type section has yielded few fossils. The typical ostracod fauna of the Laffan Shale of Dukhan has been described in an unpublished thesis by Sayyab, 1956. All species are new.


Coniacian to Santonian from its stratigraphic position. Palynological investigation of core samples from the nearby well Dukhan No. 1, indicates an early Senonian age.

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information

The Laffan Shale Fm is typically a marine, ostracod-bearing shale which comprises the basal unit of the Aruma Gr over a wide area. Its age and affinities were in dispute until recent palynological investigation indicated a Coniacian to Santonian age placing it firmly in the Aruma Gr. This position is also indicated by its unconformable relationship to underlying components of the Wasia Gr.

When first encountered in Qatar the Laffan Shale was included with an older shale-limestone sequence in the so-called Khatiyah Fm. By 1949 it was apparent that a major unconformity occurred at the base of the Laffan in Dukhan. The unit was then removed from the Khatiyah Fm.


Jacques LeBlanc (2021), transcribed and translated from Stratigraphic Lexicon Qatar Peninsula by W.Sugden and A.J. Standring, 1972